
Technology related projects I have worked on, made, or am currently working on. 

SeaLabCTDv1 and v2

Designed and built an Arduino based CTD from scratch. Made a manual, requiring no prior knowledge, for anyone to follow to make their own. 

Cal Maritime Oceanography Buoy

Designed the internals of a research buoy with nine sensors supplying fifty-seven data points. Connecting all the sensors to the datalogger, designing the internals, and more. 


Controlling twelve servos with an Arduino, lights, 3d printing, fabrication and other fun for a Comicon cosplay. 


Extremely small form factor flash module - it listens for a spike in sound and flashes an LED - based upon a DFRobot Beetle Board. Seriously, it's super small. Bench operable, still WIP. 

Businesses & Other Things I Do

The four websites below represent two business I have begun, one major activism-based website, and a personal project. 

North Ridge Films

A film and photography business I started in 2013. I've filmed many kinds of events. 

Aspect Wave LLC

A business created with the idea of monitoring vessel emissions in real time via radio, then IoT. Started early  2021. 

I started this LLC with the idea of working with a close friend of mine, but he has had personal health complications which put this idea mostly on hold. 


A personal project to collect trans sailors stories. I have not done much since creating this website, but I plan to do more once I have more time

CSUM Student Voice

A website I created to help students be heard on the Cal State Maritime campus